One of the things that i think should make anyone born in kenya (this is because not all may want to associate themselves with the words of the government spokes man "Najivunua Kuwa Mkenya" fro reasons best know to themselves which apparently may just be beyond this discussion today) proud is the national flag. The national flag of Kenya has three colors ; black on the top, red in the middle and green at the bottom. The red band has white border on its two sides. These three bands are horizontally equal to each other. In the middle of the flag there is a Maasai warrior shield with two spears. This is what we were told while in school and it made us proud. Why? I may never know but I guess it was just the thought of knowing something about the country you are living in.
This flag officially came into being on 12 th December 1963. It is endowed with colours that have meaning of which I want to be convinced that they still stand.
this by no means suggest that I am pessimistic fellow but the events that we are seing today by no means suggest this. If we look closely I think that we will be able to see this.
The black, red and green color signify black majority, freedom struggle bloodshed and natural recourses respectively while the shield is the symbol of protector of all these. Oh yes, the white stripes, signifying peace. I may, really, want to find out what the men of old, of whom some are still with us, what this colour signified then and try to apply the same today. I have a friend who has concentrated his studies in peace innitiatives and maintanance of the same. He claims that peace is not the absence of war. I am sure that some of you will agree with this emphatically but just wait a minute. what is peace then?
Will the men and women of old see it the way you are seeing it? will they say that this is what we fought for or will they be content with what you wrote on their tomb stones "Rest in Peace"? The rate at which blood is poured,whether in accidents or outright ignorance of the law of the land is just too high. Does this stand for the colour on this flag? or was this prophecy? If so, which one? Fore telling or forth telling?
We once took pride in our agricultural sector for reasons that were obvious. We had to eat, sell, and give away. Today it is common for Kenyans to sleep on empty stomachs. Surely we are not blind to the deaths of many and their livestocks as well. All tbhis happens in broad daylight and in the presence the "wenyenchi". One may be forgiven when he thinks that they have gone to prepare for the hague - am told that he is coming soon. The once green cover that we had has been skillfully removed away in the name of settlements or just more land to own phenomenology. I have to get this piece of land and develope it. Does this mean that forests or let me say, ground cover needs to be deveopled at the expence of the very existence of the human.
"Lightening Bolt" yeah that guy, is in town with others trying to sesitize us to keep our veges. Oh by the way, he's black and so is one of the clolour of the flag. Am told that we should be left to take care of our own problems by those who subscribe to the flag as its officials. But am left to wonder when the very people do not think of the fellow humans whom the flag claims to represent.
Ok. Enough of this. Jesus is coming soon and we will not need the riches of this world any more. Clearly, the hope that we have in Him puts our hearts in perfect peace - not horizonta - because we are looking on things above as Pauls puts it.
I am a kenyan and glad to be one irrespective of the many short comings I face by virtue of being here. God did not make a mistake in puting me here. Lets rally behind those whose minds are clear in doing that which is right, all the time. what do you say?
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