I want to take this opportunity to welcome to the website of the young Quakers of Friends International Church. As a body of Christ in this part of the world, we are glad to not only in hosting you but also serving together with you.
It has been my desire to see that all the young people reaching out to God as their Lord and Savior not only in times of need and cry but in the whole of life. I would love to see many more come to the Lord and impact positively into their environments of occupancy and be of positive influence to other landed gentry around them.
Here at Friends church Ngong Road, we strive to create an enabling environment for young men and women to serve the Lord and to be equipped with spiritual skills and knowledge in a practical manner so that they may be relevant in the present world even as we long for the day of the Lord. So, come.
To be a place where God’s presence dwells and is worshiped in Truth and Spirit.
To raise and nurture and well equip sons and daughters of God unto godliness and righteousness.
What are we committed to?
What are our core values?
This is powerful stuff, glad to be a part of it. With God we are soaring to greater heights.