Monday, October 12, 2009

The Land Lords

As a nation, we have seen many things happen to us and most of the time, they are instigated by the leaders or the trouble makers viv a vis robbers who in most cases are not only dangerous but armed.

In the rift valley, for example, we are told of people arming themselves just in case the "leader" they want does not get the "seat" and the inevitable takes place. unfortunately it has been prophesied by many including our dear church and again, our "leaders" that we may experience the worst in the next coming general elections.

Now, one may ask, what do we do as the "common mwanamchi" since "wenynchi" vis a vis mabwenyenye, do not seem to care. just the other day, one of them proclaimed through a local television station that they should "Jipanga" since their opponents are not sleeping at night. one wonders, is this the cause of black outs, lack of rain or starving Kenyans let alone the IDP's who have refused the offer to move to the newly acquired land.
Reason: This is the lions den!

our hope lies in God and on our own wills since i came to understand that man is his own enemies. who shall rescue us from this this quagmire?
probably we can learn from something I got from my proff below.

Wilderbeest's Theorem
1. "If you don't follow the crowd, you will not survive, as you will perish," says the wilderbeest, who invests in The Crowd, the one and only.
2. "To succeed, don't follow the crowd," proclaims the Investment Guru, whose wisdom lumpsum, high-net-worth, individuals swear by.
3. "When we, all, stop following the crowd, we still will," muses the wilderbeest.
4. Fair point, though, is that, typically, not all will not follow. Wilderbeest will acknowledge that, for sure.
5. Moral of the story, then? Never follow and never not follow the crowd on an impulse -- injudiciously.

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